Eight Downtown Tulsa ambassadors stand in front of a branded truck in the middle of downtown Tulsa


Downtown Tulsa Partnership (DTP) | Tulsa, OK

Downtown Tulsa is a vibrant center of art, culture, and music, and the heart and soul of the region where the people generate the energy and creativity.


In 2021, DTP was created to promote, preserve, and extend the vibrancy, safety, and economic vitality of Downtown Tulsa. As a new organization, it needed a strong visual brand. The biggest challenge: there are eight districts, each with a unique identity. Our charge was to create a unifying umbrella brand, to support but not compete with the districts, and reflect the essence of downtown.

Verdigris colored chevron pattern
Verdigris chevron pattern


Our wordmark is inspired by streets coming together—the intersection of districts, people, events, and opportunities. The shared “O” is the creative focal point. It signifies the spark that is ignited when Tulsans come together. The word “down” elevates Tulsa—a nod to a downtown that is advancing and building upward. The star, drawn from the iconic Tulsa flag, connects to the city at large. The unique palette is inspired by the colorful landscape.

Front and back of a Downtown Tulsa Partnership business card featured
Photo of two towering buildings with the text, DOWNTOWN IS YOUR TOWN, placed in the center

“MGD’s branding has been pivotal for connecting our programs and initiatives. It has helped create a greater sense of place and pride for Downtown, establishing the Partnership as the source for ‘all things Downtown Tulsa.’”

Morgan Phillips, Director of Marketing & Experience
Photo of Karen Keith gesturing as she speaks into a microphone at a lecturn with a Downtown Tulsa step-and-repeat banner behind her


Visual Identity
Communication Suite
Launch Plan
Publication Design
Marketing Campaigns
Event Branding

Collaborator: En Route Marketing, brand research, discovery, messaging and launch plan

Photo: Tulsa mayoral candidate Karen Keith at the 2024 State of Downtown event, supporting the neighborhood’s growth and success

“Visitors to Downtown Tulsa increased by 30,000 last year to 2.15 million, exceeding the record of 2.12 million in 2019.”

2024 State of Downtown Tulsa Report
Photo of orange street banner features the Downtown Tulsa logo with buildings and street signs in the background