Grid of Stimson report covers


Stimson Center | Washington, DC

The Stimson Center promotes international security and shared prosperity through applied research and independent analysis, global engagement, and policy innovation.

The Need

As a leading US think tank, Stimson relies on print and digital products to deliver their robust research across multiple channels. In preparation for their 35th anniversary, they wanted to establish a more unified brand identity. The goal: to ensure consistency in their product delivery and better distinguish their work from their peers.

Hands holding globe

Our Approach

We began with a comprehensive audit of Stimson’s communications materials. Priorities were identified in three key areas: a refined and intentional color palette; a uniform labeling protocol for the identification of products; and a system for ordering, styling, and presenting content.  

The revamped approach favors an uncluttered aesthetic where content is given a platform to speak clearly and boldly. The signature visual element is a light green color used as a flat field to elevate content and bring a fresh voice to the Stimson brand.


At the heart of our work is the insistence of visual clarity delivered through a set of elements that adapt to all mediums. The approach is codified in a 43-page brand guide, created primarily for in-house use. It identifies the rules for implementing the brand and gives detailed specifications for content organization, type styling, and color use.

• Stationery Program
• E-Template System
• Publication Design
• Conference Posters
• Illustrations, Graphs, Charts
• Studio Backdrop
• Video Animation and Production

Hands holding globe


Recognizing that a variety of software applications are used to create internal documents, reports, presentations, and the website, we adapted the visual framework to be user-friendly and perform consistently across every space.

“I was impressed at how open to collaboration they were and how deftly they worked within the constraints of our project. Their designs were sophisticated but still easy to implement.”
David Solimini, Director of Strategic Communications